Happy Super Bowl Sunday

"If you have a particularly robust microbiome, you're probably more resilient to a junk food weekend. If you are already dysbiotic or you're weakened in your microbiome because of chronic conditions, polypharmacy or glyphosate exposures, then you probably are pretty vulnerable to further shifts.”

Rodney Dietert, Professor Emeritus of Immunotoxicology, Cornell University

It dawned on me last evening just how much healthier I am, one month into 2021. Yes, I have lost 6 pounds (not a ton, but slow and steady wins the race) and 2% body fat. I have managed to enjoy a daily 7 k walk (only missing 2 days in the last 5 weeks), and 29 days of yoga (I missed one) during the month of January. My revelation last evening, though, as I sat around the dinner table with my loved ones, was how much more energy I had at the end of the day.

I attribute this renewed vitality to my healthy eating and exercise regimen, both fuelled by the attention I am paying to my gut health, and always to the life-breathing force of the Holy Spirit, which is my inspiration for everything. Every new scientific discovery about the huge role the gut plays in human health just reaffirms for me the amazing power of our Creator God. So on Super Bowl Sunday 2021, after we have worshipped our Saviour in Spirit and in Truth (online, out of necessity here in British Columbia), how empowering it is to know that I have sufficiently strengthened my immune system, with the help of my daily pink drink and probiotics, to enjoy super healthy snacks: 100% organic keto meatballs, guacamole, stuffed mushrooms, raw veggies, and french onion dip, along with some less healthy (but not deadly) snacks: organic tortillia chips and avocado oil potato chips.

Here's to gut health and the God who created it!
