Summer's here and the time is right!
I know, it’s summer, not spring, but I have never been known for meeting deadlines, so bring on the summer-cleaning. As of yesterday, I officially completed our year-end (the myriad of questions from our miraculous KNV accountants notwithstanding) and am poised to focus on wedding plans, house renovation, and weight-loss – and yes, they are all inter-related. Let me know if you would like to join me on the journey.
You may already know that I don’t subscribe to the theory that we should all make SMART goals. I prefer…
Daring Unique Motivating Brilliant
Here are mine:
Create daughter’s dream wedding
Establish house wedding-readiness
Lose 20 lbs
3 X 3 goals for the week:
Wedding: Book flowers, cake, and wine
House: Order cabinets, Book log-sanding and staining, plant remaining veggie seeds
Weight loss: embrace 3 weight-training sessions, cut carbs (I had pad thai earlier in the week), walk, walk, walk.
Let’s keep each other posted!!