Happy Independence Day, Canada Day, Birthday Healthy Ice Cream Cake!
Our youngest son and his 3 good friends spent the weekend with us. We enjoyed great weather along with their great company. We also...

Happy Earth Day!
I woke up to discover that today is Earth Day, but had a vague sensation that it had reappeared remarkably quickly. Earth Day was founded...

On the Second Day of Christmas...
Do you have memories of cracking open nuts at Christmas time? We always had big bowls of nuts along with a nutcracker on hand during the...

Happy All Saints Day!
Happy All Saints Day! This is a beautiful day to start new! It is Sunday. It is the first of the month. It is the first day of standard...

We are at a Coffee Crossroads!
We are at a Coffee Crossroads! If you have heard me speak together with Ryan, you may already know about the huge role coffee has played...

The Creation Connection
Please join me as I join the whole world today in prayer for God’s Creation. It started with the Orthodox Church, was imitated by the...

Happy Canada Day!
I am experiencing my first Canada Day along with my husband and our grandson, Eli, in our country’s only desert – Osoyoos, BC. We have a...

A Good Perfume is So Hard to Find
Do you ever feel like you are either hopelessly ahead of the curve, or spectacularly behind the times, or both? Ryan’s computer broke...

Taylor Kitsch and Decluttering 101
It starts in my inbox. At the risk of losing all of you, I am about to advocate cleaning out your inbox and unsubscribing from the...

Secret Garden of Health
I have always had a fascination with homegrown health. My maternal grandparents had a fabulous vegetable garden. Papa was a retired...